Rudy gay stats nba

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People have forgotten how athletic Rudy is. His ball handling paired with his quickness and athleticism let him get to the rim at ease as a slasher. In the NBA, he quickly became a player who could score from all 3 levels.

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Rudy came out of UConn from his Sophomore as an athletic scoring wing. Rudy Gay is a 2x Gold Olympian Basketball player for the United States. Gay consistently put up good numbers with good shooting splits.

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In his prime, he was a top 10 SF in the NBA, and a top 3 SF in the West. Through 11 years in the NBA, Rudy Gay has been a versatile scoring SF with good defense. New Post Game Thread Luka Dončić with 35/10/4 in the 123-90 blowout win over to advance to the WCF Top Team Subreddit Postsġ 2022 r/sixers Playoffs Prediction TournamentĢ Donovan Mitchell was in MSG last night watching the Rangers win game 7Ĥ Cole and Wendell vacation together for Cole's 22nd birthdayĥ When CP3 is eliminated in the playoffs every year

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